Archive for 'Self Development'

Interview With Founders
Posted on22. Jan, 2011 by George.
This interview was conducted over email with the Founders of, Shannon & Cai Lin, over the past weeks. The Artyii idea, where did it come from? It started off in the classrooms of the Singapore Management University where we were previously students at. We share a passion of arts, business and technology, hence marrying […]
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The 3 Types Of Learning Process To Help You Understand How To Learn Effectively
Posted on30. Dec, 2007 by George.
It is possible for you to accelerate your learning if you want to, you know that don’t you? Not besides helping yourself to learn faster, you can help others as well. Whether you’re a trainer, a coach, or even a parent, this can be invaluable for you. Everyone processes information differently -We all learn differently. […]
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Enhancing and Improving Creativity Skills
Posted on27. Dec, 2007 by George.
Learning to be creative is a skill that is a bit more complex and challenging. Some people are gifted in this area. There are also people who are not necessary creative but would desired to enhance these skills. Even those who are already gifted in the area , they still desired to further improve these […]
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Brain Enhancement: The Next Frontier?
Posted on23. Jul, 2007 by George.
Brain enhancement, otherwise known as “neural enhancement” or “brain boosting” is the newest health fad to hit the market. But it does have its critics who believe that we need to spend some time thinking first about its physiological and ethical consequences before we accept its techniques. There are two sides of the argument revolving […]
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Express Yourself in Five Easy Ways
Posted on18. Jul, 2007 by George.
Most of us find it hard to express our feelings, because voicing out what we feel is difficult for most. Oftentimes, when we try to say what we want to say, we end up being tongue-tied, misunderstood, or worse, we end up saying the wrong thing. So instead of risking exposing ourselves to humiliation or […]
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How Planning Can Help You Conquer Procrastination – “If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail”
Posted on08. Jun, 2007 by George.
There are uncountable times where I put off doing all the tasks till the last minute. Things like homework, projects, revision, have always been things I have to force myself to do. Though I have scored many ‘A’s in my exams, I’m just a human like you do. Today I have a special guest with […]
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How to Stop Procrastinating
Posted on27. May, 2007 by George.
Imagine this situation: you have a test in two days that you should be studying for. Problem is, the weather outside is perfect, you cannot focus on your work, and if that were not enough, you just do not feel like studying right now. After all, you have two days to prepare for the test. […]