How to Make Friends in a New School

Posted on 24. Jun, 2007 by in College Life

One of the scariest things for a student may be transferring to a new school. Nothing can be worse than walking alone in the campus while everyone seems to already know each other and gather in packs. Together with the new environment, you have to deal with academics, extra-curricular activities, teachers, and lone weekends. If only you have someone to go through it all with, school life would be a breeze. 

Building friendships with strangers is not as easy as parents make it sound like. It can be intimidating and the results of a single move to initiate may either be worthwhile or devastating. However, there are ways to successfully merge into your new school, make new friends and make your whole experience fun. Here’s how. 

  1. A new school may mean a new attitude. Now is the best time for a fresh start and change the old routines and ways that you disliked from your past school. Try to explore new places and leave your safety zone because it might boost your confidence in the process. It also exposes you to several people that you may have a lot in common with, which means small conversations that could lead to lasting friendships.
  1. Be confident. Start with your appearance and try to dress well and clean, but comfortable. Smile, be friendly and be ready for quick conversations. Your body language will tell much about your mood; so people will be attracted to you more if you carry yourself well and appear open for anything fun.
  1. Stop worrying. Worrying will only alter your mood and affect your confidence. Do your best not to be anxious about not being accepted, because there are always people whom you share common interests with.
  1. Socialize. Join a club or group because these are great places to meet and talk to new people. Ask a few open-ended questions such as hobbies, music, food or anything that can spark up interest. Keep the conversation spontaneous, light and free-flowing. Volunteer in a few activities to widen your network of people.
  1. Lend a hand. Help someone with her books or homework or offer to sit with someone alone at lunch in the cafeteria. You’ll soon have a person or two willing to stay by you at one moment or another.
  1. Mind your own business. Whether it is listening to class, solving math problems or playing team sports, people will look up to you for being good and focused on what you’re doing. You’re most likely to have someone asking questions, help or guidance from you. Also, don’t hesitate to ask questions if you need help.
  1. Fight back. There will always be bullies and people that will try to make you feel bad being new in school but it’s better to fight back – appropriately. Refer to proper authority during such instances like a teacher or principal. You will be admired for standing by your principles and being confident about yourself.

School life is meant to be fun, especially when you’re at the prime of your youth. You only need to feel good about yourself before others will feel the same way about you. With the right attitude and patience, in due time, you will be well-socialized, well-adapted and able to perform to your fullest abilities in your new environment.

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