Archive for 'Self Improvement'

5 Easy Steps To Achieve Awesome Results in 2011
Posted on01. Jan, 2011 by George.
It’s the start of the year 2011 and I’m pretty excited and psyched up for the year ahead because there are so many plans or goals for me to work towards. What about you? How do you feel towards the year 2011? What are your goals for the year? What do you want to achieve? […]
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The 3 Types Of Learning Process To Help You Understand How To Learn Effectively
Posted on30. Dec, 2007 by George.
It is possible for you to accelerate your learning if you want to, you know that don’t you? Not besides helping yourself to learn faster, you can help others as well. Whether you’re a trainer, a coach, or even a parent, this can be invaluable for you. Everyone processes information differently -We all learn differently. […]
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Enhancing and Improving Creativity Skills
Posted on27. Dec, 2007 by George.
Learning to be creative is a skill that is a bit more complex and challenging. Some people are gifted in this area. There are also people who are not necessary creative but would desired to enhance these skills. Even those who are already gifted in the area , they still desired to further improve these […]
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Using Accelerated Learning
Posted on23. Dec, 2007 by George.
Studies that are carried out in the past 15 years have enabled us to understand more about how our brain works. These studies have spawned a new way of learning and are called Accelerated Learning Method. What do I mean by Accelerated Learning? From the word accelerated, you can roughly guess that accelerated learning is […]
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Mnemonics- the Tool to Enhancing Your Memory
Posted on20. Dec, 2007 by George.
I know you love to remember or memorise every single detail in your textbook, but it is virtually impossible. And you do not want to depend on drugs to do this. One effective way to improve your memory is to use the technique called mnemonics. What exactly is mnemonics? Mnemonics is one of the many […]
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Accelerated Learning
Posted on17. Dec, 2007 by George.
You may have heard accounts of children doing exceptionally well in high level academics studies. You may also heard children entering top university in the world at age 8 ,9 or 10. It may sound impossible or crazy at first. You must be wondering if they are genius, whether they are talented or gifted. This […]
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How to Concentrate and Stay Focus
Posted on13. Dec, 2007 by George.
To excel in anything you do, you need to have concentration and focus. In order to do that, you need to learn to concentrate and focus. Before that, what is concentration? Concentration is the deep mental application towards something. In other words, when you are concentrating, you are giving your 100% attention to doing that […]
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Discover The Secret To Fast Learning
Posted on12. Jul, 2007 by George.
Can you still recall the cartoon series featuring Wily Coyote and the Roadrunner? “Fast” brings back the image of the Roadrunner zooming past the obstacles laid out by Wily Coyote. Speed may allow you to arrive at your intended destination; but along the way, were you able to take note of the things that you […]
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Be Grateful to Your Problems!
Posted on06. Jul, 2007 by George.
Do you currently have a lot of problems in your life? Do you think that it is too much for one person to handle all these problems? Do you think that life is unfair? If your answer is yes, then here is an important truth that you must know: “Wherever we look upon this earth, […]
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Time Management for a Stress-Free Life
Posted on21. Jun, 2007 by George.
Can’t meet deadlines? Feel like there are so many things to do yet so little time? Feeling very stressed and yet as if you have not done much after a whole day’s work? You just might be suffering from lack of time management. Time management is a skill that can be learned through time and […]
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How Planning Can Help You Conquer Procrastination – “If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail”
Posted on08. Jun, 2007 by George.
There are uncountable times where I put off doing all the tasks till the last minute. Things like homework, projects, revision, have always been things I have to force myself to do. Though I have scored many ‘A’s in my exams, I’m just a human like you do. Today I have a special guest with […]