What’s Stopping You From Being Successful? Which category do you belong to?

Posted on 09. Jun, 2007 by in Winner's Mindset

Most of you have read about me – my journey from an average kid to a ‘A’ student.

I’m not going to go through my story again but I’m sharing with you what’s stopping you from being successful. Whether be it your studies, dreams, or even self-fulfilment.

But before I go deeper, I have a question for you.

You have sit for an exam and you have gotten your results back. You were depressed to see a big red ‘F’ again.

What’s stopping you from being successful?
What’s holding you back?

So what’s the truth?

If you look at the above choices, they can be classified into 3 categories.

No.1 : Blame

Whenever this type of people fail, they often likes to blame. They find all sort of reasons, circumstances or even people to justify why they fail. In fact, you can be contributing to their failures if you happen to be besides them.

These people are usually victims. They blame the teachers, they blame the exams, some even blame their parents for giving birth to them.

Some blame God too. “Why is the world so unfair to them?”

Does all this sounds familiar to you?

No. 2: Excuses

Even if some of these victims are not blaming, you can find them giving excuses. You will often catch them saying “Studying isn’t important”, “I’m stupid”, “I had a bad hair day”. When I first teach a bunch of kids, they told me “Why do we need to study? We are not going to use any of the things we learned in school”. So I shoot them a question, “You don’t usually do well in your exams right?”

They look at me with astonishment and asked “How do you know? I’m not doing well in some of my exams right now…”

But I stopped them. “You have always been doing very badly for your exams right?” They have nothing to say and agree with what I’ve said.

Of course they are failing their exams. Would you do something that you think it’s unimportant? Of course not. Why would you even study when you think it’s unimportant?

Next, would you go to gym if you think that you are fat genetically? No! You would think that there’s no way to be slim if you are inherited to be fat. This goes the same for study too. If you give excuses like “I’m stupid”, you won’t study at all.

The truth is most people think in the above 2 ways. They are playing the “victims game”. Whatever failure they encounter, they will push away all the responsibilities to something else.

They refused to face the music. They are living in self-denial.

When these people are blaming other things, giving excuses, who is at fault when they fail?

Everything else.

And if everything else is at fault, do they have the ability to change anything? Of course not. Because it’s beyond their control. They can’t do anything but leave to fate to control their successes or failures.

Only a few of the people think that they are 100% responsible for their own results. When these people fail, instead of blaming people or giving excuses, these people said “I’m 100% responsible for my results”.

When they think in this manner, who is in control of their success or failure?


They are in full control and nobody else. If they are in control of their results, can they change for the better?

Yes! Absolutely.

And these people always achieve great excellence. When they fail, they find out the reasons behind it and change their strategies. They may not be successful overnight, but after many trials and errors, they learned and they grow.

Finally, they achieved their goals.

I hope you understand what this means and how you can change to align yourself towards greater achievement.

Take 100% responsibility for whatever you do. Delete the excuses, blames, complains in your mind. Notice all these blames in your mind and change them.

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One Response to “What’s Stopping You From Being Successful? Which category do you belong to?”

  1. bhola

    12. Jun, 2007

    this is true.but i cannot execute my plan fully ,that is the problem for me.

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