Why Does Different Students Score Different Grades? – How Do You Study? Part 1

Posted on 31. May, 2007 by in Study Skills (general)

This is similar to previous day email but it’s related to you. girlstudying

If you looked at the right side of this page, under the comments and discussions
, Charlene would like to know the exact strategy to scoring A’s.

Today, I’ll just share with you something that will improve your grades tremendously.

Let me ask a few questions.

1) How much should you study?
2) What should you study?

I have taught many students before and when they answered these question, none of them had the same answer!

Although many of them have started preparing at least a month before their examinations, many of them do not know how to study. They only revise with only a few ways (between 1 to 5).

1-2 ways.
These students usually just flipped through the textbooks, read through their notes, and take their exams. They usually flunk their exams. The smarter one can still maybe get a ‘C’.

3 ways.
They listen more attentively to class, but still they read through textbooks and notes. They memorize some of the concepts, formulas and definitions. Then they go for their exams. Usually they get a ‘C’.

4 ways
These students are more hardworking. After doing the previous 3 ways, they practise answering the exam questions before they go for their exams. These are the better students who usually got ‘B’ or sometimes an ‘A’.

It seems like the more strategies they used, the better they score for their exams.

How do you revise for your exams?

Do you like to know how the top students study?

Keep a look out for tomorrow’s blog entry.

If you find this article useful, do vote for it below. Or digg it. You can give me some comments too.

One Response to “Why Does Different Students Score Different Grades? – How Do You Study? Part 1”

  1. priya

    15. Jun, 2007

    hi george!!! you are giving us great great ideas. thanksa lot for that. but i think the main problems are:
    1.) i don’t know how to study. either i study in too much detail that is not required or i skip the important things after getting bored.
    2.) my biggest problem is people around me. i give extra importance to them and their behaviour that effects me a lot. if my best friend is not speaking to me nicely on one day i would not study for the whole next week thinking of her.

    please please please help me. i will be oblidged

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